A new tradition for our family this year is The Elf on a shelf! I wanted to make this gift extra special and not just hand it to them like it was straight from the store, so I came up with this...
I left with the kids to go take some pictures of them and had Brandon put this out on the porch for them to see when we got home.
They were jumping with excitment when they saw it!
The letter from Santa makes it even more magical!
So the gift set came with the Elf and the book and I purchased the movie too.
For family home evening that night we opened the gifts, read the card, watched the movie and talked about how special this gift is and how lucky they are that Santa trusted our family enough to send his HEAD ELF FREDDY to stay with us and watch over them. After some yummy hot chocolate and warm cookies we got our jammies on and read the book. Bedtime was a breeze that night!
Happy Holidays from our family to yours!